what is the chicago manual of style?

no matter what kind of content your company produces, someone is writing it, and that someone has questions:

—do i need permission to quote this? to use this image?
—is it 10 am or 10:00 a.m.? 50km or 50 km? forty euros or eur 40?
—can i cite more than one source in a footnote?
—who or whom? james’ or james’s? principle or principal?
—does the comma go inside or outside the quotation marks?

the chicago manual of style has the answers—it’s the comprehensive guide to grammar and usage, punctuation, hyphenation, and everything else your writers need for professional drafting, editing, and publishing. now in its 17th edition, cmos is the style manual that institutions and individuals have trusted for more than 100 years.

your team’s access to chicago’s authoritative guidelines regardless of their geographical location will ensure consistency and correctness in all your company’s documents and publications. and your online subscription offers so much more.

online searchability

search the entire manual instantly to locate the information you need. those new to the manual find this feature especially helpful. cmos is the only authoritative style manual for generalists that is available online.

editing tools

included in your subscription:

access to the monthly q&a logo“chicago style q&a” and archives

tens of thousands of cmos fans read our popular monthly postings where university of chicago press manuscript editors answer reader questions on grammar, style, and citation format—a resource as entertaining as it is informative. your searches within the manual  include results from the q&a archives.

multiple subscription options

beplay登录中心 is available as a group subscription or as an ip-based institutional or corporate subscription. group subscriptions are a great choice for smaller organizations that want individual logins at discounted rates. larger institutions will benefit from allowing an unlimited number of employees access the manual within their own ip.

testimonials from subscribers

read what subscribers from companies large and small have to say about why they value beplay登录中心 .

more information

photo: nguyen hung vu,  how to run an effective meeting